• Item Details
    Vincennes District / Capital Program Mgmt
    Project Specific
    DBE: 3%
    High (LOI 12 pages max)
    Lump Sum
    8.5% Plus Overhead Factor
    Corridor Planning Study/Environmental Assessment Analysis Multi Modal Connectivity Plan Along SR 66 from US 41 to Epworth Road in Evansville
    Study Purpose The purpose of the study is to develop a plan with intermediate and long-term projects for the Lloyd Expressway (SR 62/SR 66) and adjacent local network for enhanced multimodal transportation planning. Study Objectives Seeking a qualified consultant to complete a Multimodal Connectivity Plan development process will involve extensive coordination and outreach with key stakeholders and the general public. The study will be administered by a designated Project Manager. Successful completion of the planning tasks will require a close working relationship among INDOT Vincennes District; the Evansville MPO; the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County; the Evansville Area Trails Coalition; and other bicycle, pedestrian and trails groups. The Project Manager will communicate regularly to help keep the project on schedule, within budget, and ensure tasks are performed satisfactorily. A corridor plan approach sets the stage for future multimodal transportation investments along the corridor and helps link transportation goals to investment decisions for both the state and local networks. The connectivity plan will evaluate existing and future transportation conditions, evaluate trends, land-use changes, freight and mobility needs, and consider programmed projects and recommended projects from external studies. The final report will cover all the actions and significant conclusions and information pertaining to the plan and the development of the final recommendations. Planning level cost estimates will be prepared and included in the final plan for each recommended project. The study will be broad in purpose and scope with recommendations that will lead to intersection-specific treatments and adjacent roadway network improvements as funds become available. The study shall meet all federal requirements for risk-based transportation planning. The study shall also be coordinated with existing and ongoing Future Transportation Needs Report Updates and ongoing Lloyd Expressway studies, including the Lloyd4U improvements. The study should consider needs/goals identified in the Evansville MPO’s MTP 2050, the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County Capital Improvement Programs, the City of Evansville Bicycle and Pedestrian Connectivity Master Plan, and any other relevant local plans. Step One 5/14/24 RFP 2405 is advertised 5/28/24 Letters of Interest (LOIs) are due by 10:00 am 6/14/24 (anticipated date) Commissioner signs off and approved short-listed firms are posted on the web Step Two 6/25/24 Short-listed firm’s interviews are held. 7/12/24 (anticipated date) Commissioner signs off and the final selected firm is posted on the web After the final selection, the contract engineer will send out a selection notification with a list of required information to be provided. In the letter, we ask that the consultant coordinate with the project manager to set up a scope of services meeting. NTP anticipated for October 1, 2024
  • Des Work Description
  • Required Prequalification Categories (Combination of Prime and Sub Consultants) Work Type
    No additional qualification
  • Performance type
  • Deliverables
  • Supporting Documents
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